How I Got My First Retail Job in Australia

Hey guys,

It’s been a while since last time I wrote here. In case you’re wondering, my WHV ended on 31 January, so right now I am already back in Jakarta. And I am also back to the last company I worked at before leaving for working holiday in Australia.

A lot of people have been texting me through FB and IG message. I answered quite a few of them. Sorry for those whose messages I didn’t answer. So, now I’m here to answer all your FAQ about how I actually got my first retail job in AU πŸ™‚

  1. Kak/Sis, sebelumnya pernah kerja di retail?

Nope! Back in Indonesia and Taiwan, just like most of you guys, I have always worked in the office. Eh, tapi aku selalu kerja di sales function sih. Either B2B or B2C, aku jd selalu banyak kontak dgn customer and work to achieve sales target πŸ˜€ So, maybe that helps a bit?!

2. Sis gimana awalnya koq bisa kerja di Myer/David Jones?

Nah ini jawabannya agak panjang. Karena banyak yang tanya soal proses detailnya jadi saya jelasin step by step nya yah. So, saya apply ke agency yg menyalurkan SPG/SPB, atau kalau di AU nama kerennya itu adalah Brand Ambassador. Nama agency nya adalah Marc Edward Agency (MEA). Nah, si MEA ini ada di seantero negara bagian di AU, terutama di kota2 besarnya spt Sydney, Brisbane dan Melbourne. Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan google sendiri yah guys, soalnya si MEA ini punya website juga dan sering pasang iklan di Gumtree & Seek juga koq.

WhatsApp Image 2018-08-11 at 16.06.29

Waktu itu MEA pasang iklan di Gumtree. Mereka lagi rekrut orang2 baru untuk jadi brand ambassador new launch fragrance. Tapi mereka juga tidak menutup opportunity utk orang2 yg punya pengalaman atau passion diluar perfumes, misalnya makeup dan skin care. Requirement nya cukup simple: have good communication skills, bubbly, confident, well-groomed, beauty enthusiast, ability to speak Chinese (Mandarin or even Cantonese) is an advantage.

Thus, I sent my resume along with a cover letter. Untuk contoh cover letter nya ga perlu saya tampilin di sini lah ya, silakan kreasikan sesuai dgn pengalaman kalian aja. Tapi yang jelas, saya nggak pake bohong dengan bilang saya punya pengalaman retail bla bla bla. Saya hanya bilang kalau saya sudah biasa kerja dengan target, punya passion di beauty terutama skin care dan perfumes. Saya juga bilang kalau saya bisa bahasa Mandarin dan Indonesia, selain Inggris. Soalnya saya dulu pernah tinggal di Taiwan selama 2 tahun (harus banget ini saya sebut supaya lebih meyakinkan :p ) . Untuk resume, saya buat hanya 1 halaman persis spt resume saya utk melamar kerja sbg waitress. Cuma saya tambahkan dengan pengalaman kerja kantoran juga supaya lebih keren aja sih.. Hehehe..

Within 2 weeks upon sending my application letter, I got an email inviting me for a first round interview.

MEA email 1

So, the golden ticket has arrived. Now is your time to show ’em what you got! Dress to impress! Follow the dress code and do your makeup nicely! Show up on time!

3. Terus kalau udah di-invite utk interview, apa donk yang harus disiapin? Apa aja sih yg ditanyakan di interview?

The interview is very short and simple. Ini cuma group interview aja koq. Jadi nanti kita hanya diminta memperkenalkan diri: nama, tempat tinggal, kuliah/kerja, status visa, pengalaman di bidang beauty/sales, apakah kamu punya sertifikat beauty therapist atau MUA? Apakah kamu punya pengalaman MUA? Apakah kamu tertarik dgn job jualan fragrance? What languages do you speak? What days can you work?

WhatsApp Image 2018-08-11 at 16.42.41

Self-makeup class from Honey Beauty ❀

So, my best advice is to prepare what you want to talk about yourself! Kamu harus kelihatan PD utk speak up dan pastinya ramah! Waktu saya interview, seperti biasa saya banyak ketemu orang2 Mainlanders, selain Brazilians. Kalau yg Brazilians ato bule2 lain biasanya punya pengalaman MUA/beauty therapists, sedangkan yg Mainlanders biasanya bermodalkan bahasa Mandarin utk “jualan”. So, it would probably be a good idea if you have at least either: makeup artist or Mandarin speaking skill. Kalau kamu nggak bisa Mandarin, coba deh kursus makeup dulu sama MUA Indo yg ada di AU. Kalau saya dulu pernah kursus self-makeup di Honey BeautyΒ . Kenapa Honey Beauty? Soalnya sahabat saya yang satu ini udah terbukti dan berpengalaman jadi BA dan MUA nya Shu Uemura di David Jones Elizabeth Street πŸ™‚

4. Terus, habis interview kapan dikabarin lagi sis?

Di hari yang sama, hasil interview akan diemail oleh team MEA. Kadang kamu akan langsung di-invite untuk second interview. Tapi bisa juga kamu harus menunggu utk jadwal interview berikutnya.

MEA email 2

Actually, if you’re already invited to the second interview, you basically have passed! In the so-called second interview, sebenarnya mereka sudah memberikan induction on how everything works in the agency: mulai dari grooming guidelines, cara mengisi form ini-itu, sampai mekanisme penggajian (yayyy!!!).

5. Oh begitu.. Jadi kalau sudah keterima, kapan kita bisa mulai kerja sis?

Nah, yg ini beda2 sih, tergantung amal dan perbuatan juga :p Hehehe.. Gini, pertama kamu harus isi online form dulu yg isinya biodata, foto dan dokumen2 kamu. Kemudian kita akan tunggu panggilan job. YES! Panggilan job! Sama seperti agency lainnya, kita baru akan dapat job kalau ada brand yg butuh casual staff. Kadang kita dipanggil utk cover shift SPG full-timer di brand/toko tertentu. Kadang kita juga dipanggil utk promosi new product launch/event misalnya di depan Westfield Pitt Street.

Cepat atau lambatnya kita dapat job juga tergantung dari pengalaman kita di beauty. Contohnya: teman saya, MUA Honey Beauty, dapat shift pertamanya dari MEA hanya dalam waktu less than a week sejak dia interview. Sedangkan saya join MEA di Maret, tapi baru dapat shift pertama di Juni. Btw, shift pertama saya malah cuma bagi2 flyer di dalam Myer Sydney city selama one full day. Untungnya rate utk semua jenis pekerjaan dari MEA sama aja, jadi saya happy2 aja sih πŸ˜€

Jadi, walaupun kamu udah sign kontrak kerja dengan MEA, please jangan quit dulu dari kerjaan di resto/kafe yang sekarang. Karena kerja di retail itu walaupun santai dan rate nya bagus tapi bener2 musiman, guys. Kalo pas deket2 Christmas pastinya banyak shift, tapi kalau udah lewat tahun baru yah udah sepi lagi deh 😦

6. Jadi kalau kerja di MEA, 1 minggu bisa dapat shift berapa jam yah, Sis?

Ini juga beda2 sih ya, tergantung amal dan perbuatan juga πŸ˜€ Kalo aku sendiri dapatnya sekitar 15-30an jam per-week (5 hour/shift). Biasanya hari kerjanya sekitar Rabu sampai Sabtu. Sunday shift is very rare soalnya rate nya kan super mahal yah. However, my suggestion is to keep your Thursday and Saturday free, since most retail jobs will need you to work on those 2 days.

By the time I’m writing this post, some of you and my friends have been invited or even worked with MEA or even in retails. I am very happy to learn that since I wrote my retail experience in AU, there are more Indonesians coming out to try working in this industry as well πŸ™‚ Please write your comment or story if you are also working in retail in AU. I’d be excited to know if my stories have helped you landing an exciting job in this industry πŸ˜€

Happy weekend and cheers!


Working in Retail as a Casual in Australia

Hey guys,

Merry Christmas and happy new year! 2017 has finally passed and I can’t be more than excited to welcome 2018! ^_^ By the time I’m writing this post, I still have a mixed feeling towards 2017. I feel like last year was such the toughest period of my life so far. I went through a lot of difficult, yet invaluable experiences throughout my working holiday journey in Australia. Even though it was difficult, I was blessed that I finally secured my so-called temporary career in retail. I absolutely love what I’m doing since I’m always surrounded by makeups, perfumes and now clothing plus handbags ❀

Kalau kalian pernah baca postingan saya sebelumnya, mungkin kalian ingat kalau saya mulai masuk ke dunia retail lewat agency yg provide brand ambassadors (atau biasa kita sebut SPG/SPB) ke David Jones, Myer, Sephora, Priceline bahkan Woolworths dan Coles di seluruh Australia. Kalau belum baca, coba dibaca dan di-like dulu donk postingan saya sebelumnya πŸ˜€ . Setelah saya join di agency ini selama 6 bulan, akhirnya di pertengahan Desember kemarin saya harus lepas dari agency ini 😦 Nama agency nya adalah Marc Edward Agency (MEA). Untuk info lebih lanjut silakan Google atau search di Seek/Indeed. Mereka sering recruit new hire utk brand ambassadors utk promote new product launch di dept stores di seluruh Australia (sesuai lokasi preference kita).

Setelah punya cukup pengalaman di David Jones (DJ) & Myer, bisa dibilang perjalan saya mencari pekerjaan berikutnya di retail termasuk lancar. Karena saya sudah memperhitungkan kalau saya harus lepas dari MEA di mid-December sedangkan visa saya baru akan selesai di akhir Januari, di bulan September saya mulai aktif mencari Christmas Casual job di retail, mulai dari beauty sampai ke fashion. Sampai pada akhirnya, saya cukup beruntung bisa dapat 2 Christmas Casual jobs di Hugo Boss dan Coach.


Banyak orang mengira, kerja di retail gajinya super tinggi dsb. Sigh! 😦 So, in order to manage your expectations on working in retail, here I’d like to share with you that there are also some pros and cons or loves and hates of working in retail AS a CASUAL.

Loves ❀ :

  1. Pastinya hourly rate! Antara rate weekdays, sabtu dan minggu angkanya beda. Apalagi public holiday! Tapi jangan lupa dipotong pajak yah πŸ˜› (disclaimer: tidak menjawab pertanyaan berapa gaji di retail perjamnya kak? Tanya aja sama temen kamu atau om Google πŸ˜€ )
  2. Karena kita CUMA casual, biasanya sales target nggak akan terlalu strict dipush ke kita. Karena mereka jg mostly cuma expect kita utk tau product knowledge secara general aja, tapi yang penting adalah kita harus bisa serve customer dengan ramah dan professional.
  3. Staff discount! Biasanya retail memberlakukan discount khusus karyawan utk produk2 di tokonya. Policy staff discount bisa beda2 tergantung retail itu sendiri. Tapi gak usah berpikir utk menyalah gunakan staff discount kalian utk keuntungan pribadi yah, karena selain kemungkinan besar akan ketahuan, kalian jg bisa mencoreng nama bangsa dan negara Endonesah!
  4. Karena saya emang CINTAAAA sama kosmetik, parfum, baju dan aksesoris, pastinya kalau lagi sepi saya suka colekin warna2 makeup atau skin care di tangan saya, semprotin parfum yg wangi2 di baju, atau megang2 dan icip2in tas kulit di toko ❀
  5. Friendly coworkers. Sekitar 95% staff di DJ & Myer tempat saya kerja termasuk friendly & helpful, terutama di toko2 yg letaknya di pelosok2 Sydney. The only thing you need to remember is to politely introduce yourself on your first day, they will gladly help you as much as they can.
  6. You get to speak a few languages. Well, at least for me, that’s what I love about working in retail here. I get coworkers and of course customers from different backgrounds, so I get to speak in any language I can speak (mostly English and Mandarin Chinese).
  7. You learn how to actually communicate with customers: listen to what they want/need and like first before you recommend and persuade/convince customers to buy a product.
  8. Dan yang seperti yg mungkin sudah kalian duga, kerjanya ga sesibuk dan seberat hospitality πŸ˜€

But of course, there are some challenges that come along with those perks I mentioned above. Here’s some downsides or the things I dislike about it:

  1. If your job contract writes: CASUAL, that means they don’t guarantee how many hours you work in a week. For one shift, they only have to give you at least 3 hour work. Some weeks when it’s too quiet, they might not give you any shift, AT ALL! Karena alasan inilah makanya saya ambil 2 Christmas Casual positions di 2 brand yg berbeda. This can be a little tricky especially during busy period like Christmas, but with a good time management, you should be able to sort it out. Or you can also keep another part-time job in cafe, just in case!
  2. I don’t actually hate this part at all, but working as a brand ambassador from an agency means you get to work for multi brands. For some people who don’t have passion in beauty, this can be a bit challenging. Misalkan hari ini kita dapat shift di brand A kosmetik, besok kemungkinan kita dapat shift utk brand B fragrance. For the sake of professionalism, seringkali kita harus belajar tentang brand dan product knowledge secara otodidak dari internet. Karena nggak lucu aja kalau customernya nanya bedanya moisturiser sama serum terus kitanya gelagapan saking nggak paham fungsi produknya.
  3. Selain itu, kalau kita join dengan agency seperti MEA, kita harus siap dialokasikan utk kerja di seantero Sydney. Saya tinggal di Chatswood dan so far saya udah pernah traveling sampai ke Liverpool, Bankstown dan Miranda. It’s not something to hate, but sometimes it can be a bit tiring if you have to travel for more than an hour (for a single trip) just to work for 5 hour shift.
  4. Sebagai casual, biasanya kita dapat shift lebih pendek daripada permanent staff (mostly during 11AM to 4PM). Dan kita bakal jarang dapat shift hari Minggu, jadi jangan over excited dulu sama Sunday rate :p
  5. Β Of course, you don’t get free meals and coffee 😦


I realise that my point of view in this job can be a little subjective, that’s just because I’m happy doing this kind of job. I’m pretty confident in my ability in selling and also I love beauty and fashion. I feel like I’ve learned a few things in higher end fashion brands and also some basic things about fabrics and of course market and retail conditions in Australia. I would also say that this is NOT the best job for people who want to focus their working holiday objective in earning and saving as much money as possible, since working in retail requires you to always maintain your appearance and you usually get to spend some every now and then.

I hope you guys find this post helpful and last but not least, wish you an amazing 2018! πŸ™‚




YSL Forever Light Creator CC Creme

Hey guys,

I think this is my first high-end beauty product purchase by far. But unfortunately, this one was a total failure! πŸ˜₯

I was running out of my Lancome BB Cream when I came across this CC Creme on BeautyLink by Sociolla. Instead of repurchasing my holy grail Lancome BB, I was tempted to try this YSL Forever Light Creator CC Creme SPF 35 PA+++ because of 2 reasons: first, it was discounted by 20% so it was IDR 30,000 cheaper than the Lancome BB; second, I wanted to try something lighter than BB cream. I had Β never tried CC cream before and at that time, my skin was breaking out so badly that I wanted to put something more gentle to my skin. I did a little research on this CC Creme since I didn’t have time to go to Sephora to swatch it on my skin. Most of the reviews said amazing things about this CC cream. I just needed to be sure which colour would be suitable for me since it has 3 odd colours: apricot, rose and lavender. At first, I wanted to choose rose since I thought it should be aimed at darker skin than the lavender. But then again, I read that the rose colour emphasised redness on the skin. I didn’t want to highlight the acnes and marks on my cheeks so I opted for the lavender instead.

After waiting for about 2 weeks and 2-3 times complaining to the CSO (YES, some vendors on BeautyLink are SLOW in delivering orders! Who knows why!), I finally received my YSL Forever Light Creator CC Creme. I was thrilled and couldn’t wait to try!


YSL Forever Light Creator CC Creme SPF 35 PA+++ in Lavender

Ok, first of all, let’s talk about the outlook of the product. The product comes in a slim plastic squeeze tube with white colour that looks a bit like hologram. The plastic tube itself is pretty thick, so it always comes back into shape after you squeeze it. I think it’s a nice product to bring on travel.


Swatch YSL CC Creme in Lavender

The cream has a floral scent that fades out in a few minutes upon application. It might not be pleasant for people who are sensitive with perfumed makeup. The texture itself is quite creamy, probably due to the sunscreen ingredient in it. In terms of blendability, it really depends on your skin care beneath it. If your skin care is moisturising enough, this will apply easily on your skin. However, whether this will apply evenly or not, it also depends on your skin condition. This CC cream doesn’t cover scars well nor improves the look of your skin. It only covers a bit of redness and makes it look more pale. Actually, I kinda expected it to change colour into something more natural like skin colour. But apparently, it doesn’t. I don’t really like how it makes my skin looks, so I always apply my Estee Lauder Perfecting Loose Powder on top.

On the back of the tube, it says that it can also be worn under makeup, which means it can also be a base makeup. I tried to use it as base and topped it with my Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation. But really, it was another FAILURE! It only made my face look pale and unnatural like a mask. It also doesn’t help perfecting my skin texture nor makes my foundation apply smoother. I really don’t see the benefit of using this as a makeup base! 😦

Despite its lack in coverage and colour, this CC cream doesn’t make my acne prone skin angry. I think it’s pretty safe for acne prone skin like mine πŸ™‚

Sorry, but at the end of the day, I have to rate this CC cream 1.5 out of 5. I think it’s too expensive for the product quality and benefits. The colour might be suitable only for Caucasian skin (not even for the pale Asian skin). The only reason I haven’t tossed it away is because it’s so pricey that I still hope someday when my skin is clear from acne, it would perform better on my skin πŸ˜₯




Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Powder

Hey guys,

A few months ago when I had some serious breakouts on my face, I thought I needed something to cover up the redness on my cheeks. I usually only have my Lancome BB complete during daytime, which only gives me a light coverage. Then, I looked for a loose powder that has more coverage but is still safe for acne prone skin. Laura Mercier turned out to be one of the best loose powders on the list of a beauty website. Thus, I asked my mum to buy one for me during her travel to Hong Kong. Yes, it’s not available in Jakarta, yet! But you can actually buy it online at some Instagram sellers or local beauty-shop websites.

And finally, I got this! I was excited to try it out and see how it goes on me. Now, let’s take a look at the packaging first!

Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Powder comes in a clear plastic jar with a dark brown cap. For the price of IDR 650,000 (USD $50), you get quite a generous amount of powder, which is 29gr.! There’s no powder sponge/puff provided in the package. I think it’s because they suggests you to use a powder brush instead of sponge/puff. I got mine in translucent color, which I think, is the most popular shade.

The powder is very finely milled and smooth. It glides well on my face and able to set my BB cream perfectly. It creates smooth and matte but not dull finish on my skin. It covers the redness on my face with a natural skin color. It is fragrance-free. The staying power and oil-control are satisfying. I usually apply it in the morning before going to work at 8 AM and it keeps my face looking fresh until evening.
Unfortunately, after removing my makeup, I notice that new pimples or bumps come out on my cheeks area. I think my skin is sensitive to the ingredients of the powder, because it doesn’t happen if I only wear my Lancome or Bobbi Brown BB with Bobbi Brown blush. Unlike my Estee Lauder Perfecting Loose Powder, I found that apparently this product doesn’t claim to be either “oil-free” or “non-comedogenic” 😦
I had no choice but to stop using this powder! And I did the right thing. After I stop using this and switch to Estee Lauder, my acne treatment goes better. My skin has improved a lot. All the acne bumps have shrunk and I just need to care for the acne scars and maintain the cleanliness of my skin every day.
I rate this product 3.5 out of 5. I really like the finish it creates, the staying power, and the price makes it even better! I only regret that it’s not suitable for my acne-prone skin 😦

Avene Hydrance Optimale Hydrating Serum

Repost from: Sat, 1 October 2016

Hey guys,

So, about 2 weeks ago, I ran out of my face serum & creams from my dermatologist. I initially wanted to repurchase the products because my skin had not recovered from acnes entirely yet. But I was too lazy to go to the clinic and decided to look for a new moisturizer instead. Now, this is tricky! My skin now is pretty sensitive to any products applied on it. One thing I keep in mind, I need something that is oil-free, non-acnegenic or non-comedogenic; even better if it states: for sensitive skin.

Long story short, I found the product that I supposed would suit my skin. It is Avene Hydrance Optimale Hydrating Serum. It’s another French brand that looks a lot like Bioderma. But probably with a higher price range. It claims to be hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and suitable for dehydrated sensitive skin.

It’s actually sold at Guardian (a drugstore shop similar to Watsons), but I purchased this at Sociolla, an online beauty shop that’s been trendy recently. It sells at IDR 448k (around US$ 34) but I got an IDR 50k discount for my first purchase, so it’s a good deal for trial πŸ˜‰

I finally received the package after 2 days from my order! It was packed beautifully in a pale pink box with a card and bubble wrap.

The serum comes in a small transparent plastic bottle (that looks like a nice glass bottle) with a pump.and clear cap. The pump works well and dispose just the right amount of product. I usually use around 1-2 pumps for the whole face. But, I do think the serum is pretty thick for a face serum so I think it would run out pretty quickly!

The serum has some faint scent that smells like floral and water. The texture, as I said, is a bit thick for serum. But, it glides very nicely on the skin and absorbs well. There’s no heavy feeling, it just feels like water that doesn’t leave any excess oil (probably because it’s oil-free :p ) on my face. It’s such a good base for a BB cream! On the box, it’s says that this serum is to be used after moisturizer, which I think pretty weird. I mean, serum is usually applied after toner and before moisturizer. But anyway, I don’t use any other moisturizer after this since I think I already get the right dose of moisturizer from this alone. Note: I have a normal to dry skin and live in a tropic area that tends to be humid. If I happened to live in drier climate, I would probably need to add one layer of moisturizer on top of it.

I have been using this for a week now and there has been no breakout. I have stopped using skin care from dr. Wong for almost 3 weeks and I am really happy because my skin continues to recover from acnes without looking dehydrated. I highly recommend this product for everyone that only wants to add some hydration to his/her skin since it doesn’t have any additional benefits besides hydration. Price wise, I think it’s a bit expensive for a drugstore brand. But, if you do have sensitive skin, I think it’s worth trying a product with some quality like this one.

Overall, I rate this product 4 out of 5. Almost everything in this product is satisfying: packaging, texture, scent and quality. The only downside is only the price.

Estee Lauder Perfecting Loose Powder

Hey guys,

So, I’ve been changing quite a few makeup products lately. It started when I was tempted to try Kanebo Lunasol Skin Contrast Loose Powder that finally caused me horrible breakout! Then of course that Laneige BB Cushion too! Gosh, my skin has really become sensitive and acne prone now 😦 Having said that those products caused me bad breakouts, doesn’t mean they’d do the same to you. They look really well on my skin, especially that Kanebo Loose Powder. But, I think they contain some ingredients like silicone, that is not suitable for acne-prone skin like mine. Btw, I gave my Laneige BB Cushion to my mum. She’s been wearing it everyday and it really looks good on her. It doesn’t cause any bad impacts on her skin so far.

Before buying this Estee Lauder, I actually had just bought Laura Mercier Loose Powder. But, that one also doesn’t work well on me 😦 I was pretty disappointed since I’ve read good reviews on that. So, I started doing research again and finally found good reviews on Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation. People say that Estee Lauder makeup products are highly recommended for acne-prone skin.

I went to the nearest department store that sells the brand (because the distribution is quite limited to selected stores in Jakarta) and directly asked for the loose powder to the Beauty Advisor (BA). She suggested me to get the lightest color. The service was good, she asked for my phone number to invite me for the upcoming beauty class. Besides the loose powder, I also tried one of the liquid lipsticks they have. I was really tempted (as usual! :p ) but only bought that loose powder at the end, since it’s quite expensive already. It costs IDR 540k (approximately US$ 41) for 10gr.

Now, let’s take a look at the packaging of the product. It’s made of clear plastic jar with purplish blue lid. It has a very simple and chic design, which is perfect for career women image. On the box it says to be applied with powder brush, which is why it doesn’t come with a powder puff. The small holes on the plastic separator inside the jar only spread on half of the circle and are closed with an extra separator to prevent the powder from spilling out and get messy.

The powder itself is very finely milled and unscented. It comes in 4 colors. It doesn’t give a lot coverage to your face. I think it’s just very good to control shine and cover a little bit of the pores. I always wear it on top of my Lancome BB Cream and they work just great together! It doesn’t cover the redness of my acnes but I think it helps to make my skin look a bit better, healthier and also smoother. If you like a ‘no makeup look’, you’re gonna LOVE it, SO MUCH! πŸ™‚ It is most suitable for everyday makeup.

BB cream : Lancome BB Complete
Loose Powder : Estee Lauder Perfecting Loose Powder
Blush : Bobbi Brown compact powder blush in Pretty Pink (#41)
Lipstick: The Balm Meet Matte Hughes #Devoted
Eyeliner : Kanebo EyelinearΒ 
Eye brow: Viva Eyebrow Pencil

The product claims to be oil-free and non-acnegenic. I’ve been using this for about 2 weeks and my skin keeps improving everyday even though I wear it almost everyday. All my acnes have shrunk now and unlike when I used Kanebo, Laneige or Laura Mercier, new big acnes don’t pop out again.

I rate this product 5 out of 5. I love everything about the product: the packaging, the texture of the powder, the look it creates, and the fact that it doesn’t cause breakout to my skin. The price seems to be quite fair for the quality and brand image. Will totally repurchase and recommend this!